Exciting news! My memoir, Sex, Love & Cops just hit Number 1 on Amazon Bestseller. If you get a chance check out this weekend I have a FREE promotion on Amazon kindle where you can grab a copy, yes for FREE, it also has a bonus chapter about the first major bombing I was in the middle of and more about my time at The Police Academy and how I felt about being a cop and why I joined. Please let me know what you think and if you would like to see this made into a TV series … by the way I think we need to shine more light on all these issues that haven’t changed that much since I was a cop!
I hope we can live in a world where all police are fair and good, the color of your skin doesn’t define you, females and males are treated equally in the workforce and true love lasts forever.
Available to download for free this weekend only https://www.amazon.com/Sex-Love-Cops-Wendy-Wilkins-ebook/dp/B07NWY9R6K